UZ: Havo aylanish sistemasi yaxshi emas, shuning uchun shugʻullanish paytida biroz koʻngliz xira boʻlishi mumkin. Umuman olganda shugʻullanish uchun hamyonbop va sharoitlari bor.
RU: Система вентиляции оставляет желать лучшего, поэтому во время занятий вы можете почувствовать небольшой дискомфорт. В целом, это доступное место с необходимыми условиями для тренировок.
EN: The ventilation system is not great, so you might feel a bit uncomfortable during workouts. Overall, it’s an affordable place with the basic conditions for exercising.
A popular local club, because a monthly subscription is cheaper than a few competitors. The simulators and equipment are old, there is not enough space, ventilation is mainly through windows, there are a lot of people from 18 to 21. We went there for 7 months and were satisfied. If we compare with Moscow, the prices are brutally out of line with the content and are overestimated at times. But given the almost lack of choice in the tunnels, it is quite suitable for classes.