A relatively large assortment. You can check the availability of a specific product on the website. I asked the seller where the specific product was shown to me.
There are a lot of people all the time. I often bought from them when I lived nearby. You can choose a similar product as in other stores, but it is much cheaper. You need to approach a trip to the fix price wisely.
Cons: It's very crowded in the store. There are not many products. It is often impossible to find the price tag of the product.
Pros: Not far from home. There is a ramp. Adequate staff.
See original
Ярослав Лубинский
Level 10 Local Expert
April 1, 2023
A small shop of every little thing ...
There is nothing so specific (it's good or bad, it's up to you)...
The store is good, but the shelves are always a mess, the goods are in a mess, you don't understand what and why. Or the boxes are with the goods so that you can't get through.
It's very stuffy, there are no condenses.There are no price tags for some products, you have to distract the cashier, as a result, customers in the queue are nervous
Inadequate staff. They demand masks from customers, refusing to purchase, which is a violation of the law on consumer protection, although store employees themselves often work without masks....
See original
натали косовец
Level 8 Local Expert
March 16, 2024
Very friendly staff
See original · Русский
Level 10 Local Expert
March 12, 2023
In general, the store is good, but the assortment is too small.
A large selection of all the necessary little things at low prices. A small square, cramped. For example, I would have removed the grocery items anyway