Хороший, многофункциональный магазин по представленной ассортименту, адекватные цены, удобное расположение, культурный и вежливый персонал. Всем рекомендую, особенно по всякой бытовой мелочи.
The impression of visiting the store at this address is extremely negative.This is the result of unprofessionalism and a rude, arrogant attitude towards the buyer.
On 30.12.23, I was visiting Bobruisk.A beautiful city, friendly, friendly people, a great New Year's Eve mood.I visited a lot of shops and everywhere the sellers were polite, interested and helpful, creating a special festive atmosphere with their work.
But after visiting the Fixprice on the streetSocialist, 44a, I received a deep disappointment and a spoiled mood.
In this store, I purchased 2 packages of hydrogel berry patches for eyes, 16 pcs in each package, worth 3 rubles each package without a Fixprice discount card and 2.55 rubles with a discount card. I paid with bonuses from the card and in cash.
When calculating, the cashier Galina Leonidovna made a mistake, charging me the full cost of the product (without discount). I asked her to explain why she had calculated me like that, but in response I received a portion of negativity in the form of arrogance and cynical statements about my intelligence. The question remained open, and the pre-holiday mood was spoiled.
I would like the administration to sort out this situation in order to avoid repeating detailed stories.
A great store with a lot of little things. Children's toys and books, tableware and household chemicals, groceries and carnival outfits.... The choice is great
A large store with low prices. There are many products. The assortment changes frequently. It is not always possible to find a price tag for a product, but at the checkout or a sales consultant will tell you.
The prices and quality of the goods, but all sorts of useful and cheap little things can be bought. Overall, it's not a bad store. Conveniently located.
Well, that kind of thing. The assortment of non-food products is standard, China is our everything) Food products correspond to the price, you can take them, but only tea bags and other goods with a long shelf life. Convenient location and, quite the same, polite staff are a plus of this store. The standard "Fix", without sharp deviations into the negative.
You can find interesting things in everyday life that others do not have. The main trump card is the price, you wonder why there are prices in other household goods stores...
A rich assortment, pleasant prices, courteous staff.
See original
Level 13 Local Expert
July 5, 2021
The fix is the same as everywhere else , some goods are cheaper than in other places , some are more expensive . The only thing is the smell of Chinese, you always feel it.