12.12.2024 visited the store, the seller allows himself to make unacceptable comments to customers. A girl of non-Slavic nationality gave a 10 r bill for calculation, to which the seller expressed her opinion "fuck where do you put your money", I made a remark that you can not communicate with customers in this way and you should not be concerned where your money is going, to which they began to close my mouth, saying that I would eavesdrop on the conversation and climb and no one asked me. I asked to provide me with a book of complaints, which should be given on demand, to which they simply told me "and what would you write there" and did not give it, which is a violation! The service is worse than in the market, the seller is extremely ill-mannered and allows himself such communication and statements. And the girl I stood up for said thank you to me at the end. In addition, it is impossible to find the price on the price tag for some products in the store.
The price tags are close to adequate, but there is not enough choice (of products), if you need notebooks or something like that, it makes sense to go to this store. In general, I advise you.