This "Moody Blues" bouquet features a stunning arrangement of blue hydrangeas and white and blue dianthuses, complemented by delicate baby's breath. Its vibrant colors and elegant design make it the perfect choice for any special occasion.
90 $1 pcs.
"Passion" Bouquet
piano red roses, delicate white ranunculus, and fragrant eucalyptus. This bouquet is perfect for expressing love, passion, and admiration to someone special.
270 $1 pcs.
Bouquet of pink dianthuses and eucalyptus
This refined bouquet combines delicate shades of dianthuses and the aroma of eucalyptus. Together with the original designer packaging, this bouquet will be a wonderful gift for any occasion - from a romantic evening to a holiday event.
65 $1 pcs.
Curated Bouquets
"Elegance" Bouquet
Indulge in the delicate beauty of our "Elegance" Bouquet. This tender arrangement of peach cushion, peach dianthuses, white roses, white dianthuses, and Juliet peony roses exudes a sense of sophistication and grace.
125 $1 pcs.
"Ripe Pear" Bouquet
Experience the elegance of our "Ripe Pear" Bouquet, featuring a stunning combination of exotic white Protea, delicate Juliet peony roses, lush green viburnum, and dianthuses. With its unique selection of flowers and branches
195 $1 pcs.
21 Light pink peonies with eucalyptus
he magical combination of pink peonies and eucalyptus will conquer any heart. Just look at this stunning combo of stunning large peonies and eucalyptus, which we simply and neatly emphasized with wrapping paper and colored ribbon.
335 $1 pcs.
Bouquet of 5 Pink Peonies with Chamomiles
105 $1 pcs.
25 Explorer Roses
120 $1 pcs.
101 Explorer Roses
Discover the beauty and resilience of Explorer Roses. These stunning flowers are the result of careful breeding and testing, ensuring long-lasting and vibrant blooms.
420 $1 pcs.
"Love is in the air" Basket
The "Love is in the air" Basket is a tender expression of warm feelings. This exquisite basket features white and pink French roses, peonies, hydrangeas, and lisianthus, adding a touch of elegance to any occasion.
520 $1 pcs.
"Peony Cloud" Box
21 pink peonies in a box. Perfect gift for any occasions
369 $1 pcs.
Updated: October 28, 2024.Source: Representative of the organization