Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
2060 ₸400 g
4 formaggi
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
3590 ₸0 g
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
4300 ₸550 g
Diavola Originale Свинина
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
3900 ₸490 g
Diavola Говядина
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
3590 ₸490 g
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
3390 ₸490 g
Tonno e cipolla
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
4420 ₸0 g
Освежающий газированный напиток
1600 ₸1 l
Pollo e funghi
Уважаемые гости! На доставку пицца подаётся не разрезанной!
A small Italian restaurant. Well, what could be wrong there? That's about what we thought when, tired of a long tourist day, we decided to have dinner here, near our hotel. The idea is so-so. A small, absolutely uncomfortable room, a slight smell of rancid oil, a feeling that everything is not very fresh around -a tablecloth, at least..... And a very long wait. Even drinks. This is despite the fact that we were alone in the hall. The pizza is a little dry, but edible. The pasta is not bad. I would never have come here a second time.
A couple of months ago, they gave out a burnt pizza, and the girl at the reception of orders was completely unfriendly, even rude. I left a low rating, with comments. But this is the second time I've come in - the girl has been replaced, and the pizza has become delicious again!
The atmosphere is there, cozy. The interior is well chosen. There are many flavors of pizza, it was delicious. The service is good. The prices are too high, but it's still great. It's not me in the photo.