At the end of the working day, it is better not to call for 15 minutes.I called <17.15> before the end of work, but no one picked up the phone in office 2.She called on 02/26/2025. In addition, I still got through to the next office, but they didn't answer my question there, because it's not my bake, but it's very difficult to go into another office to the neighbors and tell them that they are being called.If the doctors worked like that at the end of the working day, the store would close for 15 minutes.just like that, the student left the lesson earlier....
Hello! I express my gratitude to OKSANA NIKOLAEVNA DENISENKO, an employee of the FSZN of the Moscow District of Brest! for professional advice, the specialist explained everything clearly, competently and culturally.There would be more such people in such structures.