Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
I didn't understand why the institution had such a low score on the cards, and then I went myself, and I understood everything!))
1. It takes a very long time to order. At the same time, there are no objective reasons to cook 3 fast food dishes for more than 20 minutes. There were two or three other customers besides us, but we were the first in line. And most importantly, the food itself is cold 😅
Lavash (shawarma) was prepared first, and it stood for 5-7 minutes on the distribution. Then doner and huggy Dougie finished it. And it would seem that they should be hot from the heat, but the meat inside is cold, which means that the meat was cut from the spit a long time ago. The tortilla was barely warm. Therefore, I don't understand at all what the chefs have been doing all this time. The French fries also turned out to be cold and already soaked, although they stood on the distribution for 5-7 minutes in total. So it's a blank. And again, the question is — why is it taking so long to give the order?
2. Do not put napkins. There is no serving — no appliances, no napkins on the tables, etc. I realized this when my hands were already in oil — I had to go ask.
3. The food tastes good. Only the tortilla in the doner was super bland. A little salt in the dough would not hurt. Well, the temperature, of course, is a problem.
4. On average, it is 20-30% more expensive than in fast food chains. I am ready to overpay for the quality, but I would like the appropriate service. At the same time, they have full self-service, i.e. they still need to clean up everything after themselves. Even in cheaper fast foods, there are "technicians" who clean the tables.
It is beautiful, cozy, clean, culturally. A decent, sociable team. Thanks for your design. It is a pleasure to visit and work. Good luck with your work and success.