The absolutely arrogant head of the traffic police department. I wanted to fine you for nothing. Don't they pay you a salary? Situation. We stopped at the adjacent road to the main highway to pee, we stood on purpose to the side so as not to interfere with anyone, without violating the markings and the rules in general. Two minutes later, the "police chief" arrives and starts pumping his license, saying that we have blocked half the road, we are interfering with everyone (although it was not clear to everyone, apparently only to him. Before that, one car had passed quietly and there was plenty of room in general). He took the documents and sent them to the bank to pay the fine, or on the spot (apparently in his pocket). Fortunately, we didn't have any cash, so we received the following offer - to drive to the nearest traffic police post (to formalize the protocol). Upon arrival, an interrogation was conducted, the car and documents of everyone who was traveling in the car were examined. Then they gave back the documents, generously "forgave" them with the words "don't do that anymore" (how? not to stop at the extreme right and not to write in the forest?) and they let me go (video attached). I still don't understand what this whole circus was about, but the desire to return here again, and to communicate with this character completely disappears. There are very decent employees and there are not a few of them in Abkhazia, for which we thank them).
The second time, another employee at the same post demanded a bribe of 2,500 for unreadable numbers.