A good store with a good selection of bags. Friendly and professional staff. You can order the model or color of the bag from the Galantea catalog in the store. Information about the availability of models of bags and belts in the store is available on the official Galantea website.
I am outraged by the work of the staff. 05.08.2024 at about 17.30, I went from the other end of the city to buy a backpack for a child to school. And I was told we are not working, we are receiving goods, and in such a tone as where you go that you do not see. I would have treated it easier if I just wanted to go in and look, passing by, and so purposefully went to make a purchase across the city. In my opinion, there are several sellers on shift, specifically so that one can accept the goods and the other can work with customers. I have not seen them close in any large store and stop work for acceptance of goods.
A store with a wide range of products. Friendly sellers. It is poorly located in terms of convenience. High floor, steep stairs. Many residents say that if it were the first floor, they would come in much more often. It is not realistic for an elderly person to go up there.
The product is meager, low-quality, I bought a leather wallet, and after a month the leather began to move away (it peels), as a result it turned out to be not quite leather, there is nothing to choose, the prices are too high, the locks are not of high quality, everything quickly deforms, does not keep its shape, the seller is not polite, reluctantly shows the product with a haughty look (shopping center. Secret), I also bought a bag, too, missed, the seller just shrugs it off and assures that the quality is high and the marriage cannot be ruled out, it all sounded ridiculous, of course, I will no longer buy their products, China, Russia is not inferior in quality and the price is affordable
A good store, a large selection of backpacks, wallets, the only thing is that there are not many women's bags. The prices are acceptable, price = quality. The quality of the bags is good.