Пробная тренировка по волейболу для любителей в Тбилиси.
Отличный вариант попробовать себя в волейболе, даже если вы никогда не держали мяч в руках, или оценить наш современный зал и профессионализм тренеров, если вы любитель со стажем!
35 ₾2 h
Абонемент на 8 тренировок
Для любителей волейбола и тех, кто готов регулярно тренироваться 2 раза в неделю!
Some of the best workouts in my more than 5 years of volleyball experience!
If you just want to come in the evening and throw the ball through the net with a beer, you are not here.
My opinion is that if you want to play, then first learn how to do it. And that's where they'll teach you!
There are trainings for both beginners and advanced players. Working out techniques, tips on incorrect positions, actions, etc., OFP part. All in order for your game to get better and better over time!
A gorgeous place, a warm atmosphere. I studied for a year and learned a lot. The coaching staff pays great attention to technique and working out complex elements. Thanks a lot for the experience)✨