Классический наваристый красный борщ с рваной свининой и нежной сметаной. Подаем с закуской из деревенского сала, приправленного луком и тмином на хрустящих бородинских гренках
11.6 Br350 g
Бульон куриный лайт
Легкий бульон с нежным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и зеленью
7.6 Br290 g
Солянка Garage
11.6 Br280 g
Суп куриный с бриошь
Наваристый бульон с сочным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и лапшой. Подаем с нежной булочкой бриошь
11.6 Br340 g
Том ям с морепродуктами
Тайский суп, сочетающий пряные и кисло-сладкие ноты
17.6 Br400 g
Запеченные ньокки с цыпленком и грибами
Картофельные ньокки, куриное филе, лук, шампиньоны, соус бешамель, сыр моцарелла
I've been walking for a long time.I like everything.A new bartender, Igor, has recently appeared. A very good guzlik, handsome, sociable, made a very tasty milkshake Snickers.You can tell he's a professional‼️‼️‼️‼️
A great place to have a delicious meal) Gorgeous pizza, delicious desserts, a fairly extensive menu, there is a separate menu for children... as one of the advantages for family visits, there is a children's playroom... In my opinion, the business lunch is one of the best in Minsk in terms of price/quality... I would like to mention the staff separately - the guys are always friendly, attentive, polite, simple and pleasant to communicate with! After the visit, only positive emotions remain... Keep it up !
A good restaurant, almost fast food, the kitchen cooks mainly by defrosting semi-finished products, the pancakes are not delicious, but everything else is fine to eat. The waiting time depends on the change of chefs and waiters, sometimes the order will be brought in 10 minutes, and even if they waited 40 minutes, it is always different. At the end there is a children's maze where children really like to play, but when their crowd gathers it can be very noisy, I advise children