Финансирование авто не старше 20 лет.
Возможно досрочного погашения
Любая сумма финансирования
Без поручителей и залогов
Срок одобрения и заключения сделки - от 2-х часов
Отсутствие комиссий и скрытых платежей
30 Br
Лизинг новых автомобилей
Финансирование новых авто.
Возможно досрочного погашения
Любая сумма финансирования
Без поручителей и залогов
Срок одобрения и заключения сделки - от 2-х часов
Отсутствие комиссий и скрытых платежей.
It is impossible to reach them! The questions are not answered. They say one amount for the ransom, in fact the amount is much more!!!!
There is no desire to contact them anymore
The main thing in the company's work is to sell you a car, and this is understandable, but at work I put a big minus. They won't really explain anything to you why you pay 20% of the cost of the car. This is the purchase price of the car. 2 minus this billing base may not change for several days. The client himself must look at the date of payment, because when you have a delay, you will be blamed for this. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. Although I took a lot of loans and fees, so I recommend thinking carefully before making a purchase.
A very clever scheme of deception. The payment schedule is made so that you pay interest immediately, and then the main debt. I wanted to pay for a year, but then I realized that there was no point in rushing, I had already paid almost all the company's interest. They did not focus my attention on this...