Замена тормозных колодок на автомобилях Opel, Chevrolet, Deawoo
1540 ₽
Замена масла
Замена масла в автомобилях Opel, Chevrolet, Deawoo с МКПП
980 ₽
Диагностика ходовой части
Бесплатная диагностика ходовой части автомобилей Opel, Chevrolet, Deawoo
1 ₽1 pcs.
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View all products and services
Serves locations in , within a radius of 15 km
Многоканальный колл-центр
+7 (812) 445-84-30
Show phone
Business hours
10:00 – 18:00
Credit card payment
WC for people with disabilities
Basic service
Wheel alignment
Tire fitting
Anti-corrosion treatment
Preliminary registration
Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, oil changes, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, fuel injector cleaning, car alarm, gearbox repair, repair injectors