When changing the oil, the mechanic tore off the heads of three!!! bolts, removing the protection of the pallet. It would seem, well, I tore one off - well, a little bit to help. But no, I picked three.
At the same time, he managed to comment on the car, saying, "the car is rubbish of course."
Maybe it's not the car?! And in something or in someone else?!
At the same time, he stated that it was not his fault, but the one who tightened these bolts. An original look... The previous 100 thousand kilometers were fine with the bolts, but here - "Kondrat is to blame."
He refused to compensate me for the firebrands or at least the costs of unscrewing the fragments of the bolts.
I've always been served at this center before. Now, apparently, I will change it.