A large assortment of goods, you can buy almost everything in one place, and the prices are favorable in comparison with other stores, often only the quality of vegetables and the presence of long queues at the checkout are not happy
Advantages: payment by card, the price is close to the market in the region
Cons: vegetables and fruits are often tired, seafood and meat are better not to buy - the sight alone scares. Organization of employees by 3 (very often clogged cash desks, security reacts after 20 minutes)
Price tags are changed when they want and when they want.... The promotion ended on May 2, and on May 4, there is still advertising on the price tags, butter 237 in the receipt, on the price tag 227.... from the explanations: we did not have time, we did not change....
The store is not bad, but the price tags do not always match and there are constant queues at the checkout, since it is not fate to open a second checkout on time