The teachers at the gymnasium are mostly very good. I know the subject and the approach to children is found, which cannot be said about the administration. There are good, understanding people, but these are 1-2 people. Graduates after graduation and their achievements are forgotten immediately. The relationship is changing dramatically. Warm memories remained only from the teachers, who could be called second parents. I also don't want to talk to the administration during school hours, I feel pressure and that they are wearing a crown. Thanks to all the teachers for the warm memories and a minus for the administration, which only needs a rating for the gymnasium, but it doesn't matter for the children.
Addition. At the graduation of the 11th grade in 2024, they said that the hands of the girls who climb the stairs to the stage in dresses should not be given. Because of the dislike of the 11th grade administration. If someone had fallen, then graduation might not have been the best memory for her.
It's a good gymnasium, but there are pros and cons... I think a great advantage is the good administration of this institution. There are some angry and very strict teachers, as well as friendly teachers and educators, as well as the director of the gymnasium. In my opinion, they teach children well and they go to them with a smile on their face :) They feed well at school - 6 times a day and plus an afternoon snack. And there is even more talk about education! At that time, students began to spray pepper spray and vapes:(It is good that teachers are taking all measures to ensure that this does not happen again:)))))))))))))) There is a very large selection of events, contests and Olympiads, and much more. Thank you, Marina Fedorovna, for paying great attention to the education and development of our wonderful youth😘💜🌸😚💐💐🌼🌼🌼🌅😍😍💟 Well done!🆒🙆🎓
Graduates of the gymnasium are not allowed on the threshold of the educational institution, even at the invitation of their own teacher to the event.
They refuse to open the turnstile on watch, there are two watchmen and three representatives of law enforcement agencies at the entrance, who, even upon presentation of a student card from the time of study at the gymnasium, are not allowed inside in principle.
At one time, he was engaged in activism, conducted community work at the gymnasium, conducted general military events and repeatedly helped members of the administration. In gratitude - a personal ban from the director to appear in the educational institution and the angry look of the watch workers.
I do not recommend arranging children in this gymnasium, because their opinions and sincere youthful impulses will be trampled on without even thinking, they will treacherously search the phones and gallery several times a day, deprive them of faith in themselves and any prospects for the future.
Only subject teachers who are passionate about their work inspire hope. The administration, whose portraits proudly flaunt on the second floor of the gymnasium, is not interested in the personal development of students, the continuity of generations (graduates are not allowed on the threshold of the gymnasium, arguing that they are outsiders), but only focuses on achieving a high rating, organizing countless events of the amateur circle level, scenarios of which from year to year the year does not undergo adjustment and does not change, outwardly creating a "lush wrapper" for the gymnasium, behind which there is nothing. To all of the above, I will quote the poem "An ugly girl" by N. Zabolotsky.
"... And if so, what is beauty
And why are people idolizing her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or is there a fire flickering in a vessel?"
To the great regret of students and graduates of the gymnasium, this institution is not the radiant "country of childhood" that it tries to seem in the eyes of parents and the media space.
Teachers often underestimate grades, which causes dissatisfaction among many students. In addition, the detector, which is used to assess academic performance, is only interested in formal indicators, ignoring the individual characteristics of each student. This leads to the fact that teachers often interfere in the personal affairs of children and do not know how to properly approach their needs and problems, which negatively affects the educational process and the motivation of students.
If you want your child to be psychologically healthy, never give him in elementary school to a Fool, a selfish woman always humiliates children and their parents, and the management can do nothing about it since there are no teachers, children who study well do not appreciate, appreciate those who carry gifts
Advantages of the gymnasium :
• Galiya Khabirovna teaches here
• Belarusian language teacher Anna Vasilyevna is a teacher with a capital letter , if every teacher in the country taught children with the same enthusiasm as Anna Vasilyevna , then our education would be much better
there are no more advantages
Disadvantages of the gymnasium :
• Vanya Latushkin walks around the school and it is very annoying
• in the lower grades , some crazy teacher teaches , idiotic remarks and a lot of negativity , that's what you get when you contact her
• the director of the gymnasium does not keep track of the gymnasium , but of the students ' clothes , as if the students ' academic performance depends on it
• the toilets on the ground floor smell just awful . If the Germans had such toilets in 41 , then the genocide of Jews would have moved to a new level , because it is better to die in a gas chamber than to be near such a toilet. You may ask , why is it located next to such toilets ? Because next to these toilets there are ottomans and a wardrobe for elementary school students.
It turns out that the valiant headmaster called the riot police to disperse the people who gathered near the gymnasium who just wanted to see the results of the vote. I just don't have the words.
I will edit this review, because there are still a lot of disadvantages.
A very good gymnasium.The child is in elementary school. A wonderful teacher, Tamara Ivanovna Reznikova, professionally approaches her favorite business.Elena Romanovna Chepikova, a wonderful teacher and leader, runs the primary school.I recommend.
The gymnasium is a language school, the daughters speak English every day. Demanding teachers. Maybe the gymnasiums were canceled before the 10th grade, but the teachers keep the brand!
Middle and high school teachers treat students very well, I personally was given good knowledge and coming to lessons was not torture. Even if some teachers are not young at all, they can joke just like Us, which is incredibly pleasant (teacher = friend). Thanks to this, knowledge fits in an instant.
Not everyone may like the dining room, but our food is varied and meets the standards.
The school is in order and renovated. Already in all offices there are TVs and good furniture. It is also impossible to get lost there, it is very conveniently built ☺
We are studying at the gymnasium for the second year. We are happy with everything, both the gymnasium and our teacher. Thanks to Syunyakova I.M. the best teacher, the child respects her, she is an authority for her.
I studied here in high school, comparing it with the high school where I studied before earth and sky. The teachers are top-notch, it became more interesting to study after the transition, in terms of studies, the guys on average were also stronger at the gymnasium than at the secondary school.
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Anonymous review
March 22, 2019
Very attentive teachers, responsive.The individual approach is impressive .Children like the dining room, food, buffet.Excellent organization of holidays!!!
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Anonymous review
January 28, 2020
Good teachers. There are many different contests. A lot of good things. In principle, a good gymnasium
The best gymnasium in Minsk. Warm-hearted, friendly and filled with positivity.
See original
Anonymous review
March 17, 2019
The gymnasium is just terrible!!! The learning conditions are terrible. In English class, you have to sit on the edge of the desk instead of sitting like all normal people.
Anyway, the gymnasium is just terrible!!!!!
Do not come there, and if you do, you will WISH!
It would be 4.5 if it wasn't for the physics teacher. It's not that half of the school hates her, but the whole thing. He does not give knowledge, but only knows how to humiliate.