The best educational institution in the city. Highly qualified teachers, excellent material base, high-quality training, good nutrition. An abundance of sections, clubs and Olympiad groups. Everyone can find a path where they feel comfortable. I've been studying at this institution for 11 years and I can say for sure: only those who beat the crap out of it and don't try can complain about this institution. There will be no place for such people anywhere.
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Анон Анон
Level 2 Local Expert
January 7
Кто сомневается в какую гимназию идти то только не в эту, а лучше в хорошую школу. Мы 100 раз пожалели, что пошли сюда. Дополнительных занятий не проводят, твои проблемы. Многие дети ходят к репетиторам уже с 5 или 6 класса. Даже если ты всё выучил тебе могут поставить 3. Если что- то проворонил и не сделал сразу 2. Страдает детская психика. Занимаюся на дополнительных только с отличниками. Занижают оценки. Могут унижать ребёнка. Некоторые учителя не ставят оценки в электронный дневник или ставят в последнюю неделю четверти. Даже не известно, что там может стоять. Конечно не все учителя такие, но их большинство. Теперь нам нужно перейти в другую школу и , понятно, что это тоже даст по психике ребёнка, потому, что очень впечатлительный.
Hello.I studied from 1st to 5th grade.Unfortunately , the class was not the best .I think not only "The Great administration, but also the teachers are not normal (psych)."Some underestimate and mock, others simply ignored the child's complaints about non-conforming children and their parents.The third type of teachers is unstable, that is, they could calmly beat and humiliate a child, violate his rights, and did not react to the child's injuries.The medical center stupidly sends you to the doctor and will not even help in an emergency!!!
Derek wasn't normal.But he scored a bad administration (to put it mildly!!!)The administration does not like children, some mock them!!they press especially insanely.
I was in a current society and I was an outcast
The best gymnasiums are Grodno Anthem, 9th anthem and other gymnasiums.
This gymnasium does not even have good educational equipment.There are only 3 halls, but 2 are small and one barely pulls on the average!!!!!
+ all the children there are uncultured and ill - mannered!!!
And know the best teacher. You won't find it!!!!!!!!
The children there, like in other gymnasiums, have almost no good awards!!!! There have been awards at my school, there are awards and there will be awards!!!!!!