Yes, the school looks beautiful. Well, as soon as you go inside, everything stops. In the gym locker room . As soon as I walked in, I immediately started coughing. I do not know what they were shooting at. But I coughed before I left the wardrobe. Positive: Two gyms.
this institution is correctly called a RURAL SCHOOL. Let's go through the Facts: not a single poisoning from the canteen, the Olympiad in the gymnasium is a write-off from tasks already solved by teachers.....
The only thing that is strange is the wooden windows still! In those classrooms where there is no classroom management and parents have not chipped in money) schools should have normal windows! I remember when I was studying, we sometimes sat in jackets in class. This is not the norm
The food in the dining room is so-so, and in the "super pool" it smells of chlorine all the time, the load is very heavy and according to the teacher's child, some are rude.
The gymnasium is super! The teachers are at the highest level. The approach to children is individual. There is a swimming pool. There is an opportunity to choose a profile class (music, art, etc.) I definitely recommend it!!!
Strong teachers. Many graduates have achieved high scores on CT. There is no rudeness here. Teachers find an individual approach to each student — it pleases.
The nurtured brainchild of the former director V.I. Petukhov, with his departure, a certain highlight of the gymnasium was lost, I think soon the gymnasium will turn into an ordinary school and lose its status. The gymnasium has a swimming pool, which operates unlike other schools that have it, but does not function. The load on it is large, as everyone knows, the Dolphin pool has been without water for several years, most likely it can already be written off.
An ordinary school, ordinary teachers, the Soviet system of education, like to ask more questions for solutions at home, but they are too lazy to teach themselves.
I don't know how the gymnasium is, but there is even a swimming pool. And even 2 :) The child is walking. If the child is satisfied, the parent is satisfied :)