Good afternoon. I want to warn the parents of the lower grades, who give the child into the hands of Mikhailova Ales Nikolaevna, a primary school teacher. A teacher of a low category, has a second job - (Oriflame). 90% is occupied by her. Children educate each other, they draw grades for statistics, They lie to children.
Many parents have a conflict with her. There is complete bullying in the classroom. I turned in a friend, got 10. If you don't pass, you'll be an outcast. He'll incite the children, you'll become like everyone else. In the dining room, he feeds until he vomits, by force. If you didn't eat it! He does not allow you to eat the whole school day, starves you. You can't call Mom. And if you complained! You will remember this forever. The child will go through all the circles of hell. She is very cunning, does not touch the child personally, basically does everything with the hands of children, does not immediately remove the profitable ones, i.e. those who are from dysfunctional families. And he poisons the inconvenient ones, and retrains them into comfortable ones for himself, who resists, without explanation becomes a doubleheader. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED as a teacher.
My school, I study here, I love it only in the 1st grade, 100 examples will be hit! There's nothing to do, this gymnasium has already changed everything by the 3rd grade! Only tarokans crawl and the food is not delicious! Especially dumplings with hair! I'm not leaving my school, my friends! I'm already going to the 4th grade!🌞🌞🌞
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Anonymous review
September 10, 2019
A very cool gymnasium! The food is delicious! Primary school teachers are very kind, they don't ask a lot of homework, the main thing is that they feed you deliciously!!