There is only one name from the gymnasium. The state of the school leaves much to be desired, the penny that the children hand over apparently goes into their pockets. The attitude of most teachers is terrible and boorish, I'm silent about the head teachers, there is generally a quiet horror.
there is only one name from the gymnasium, old classrooms, frequent lack of cups, no toilet paper, and teachers cannot cope with children and allow bullying in the team
the school has a poor staff of teachers, many of whom greatly underestimate grades because of their attitude towards students. It's scary to eat food in the dining room, everything is attached, there is no paper and hot water in the toilets. Recently, drinking water and cups have stopped appearing. I do not recommend this school.
The best school is ordinary, but it is not a gymnasium.There is a new teacher every year.Evil cooks.A bad gym.The state of the gymnasium.The old windows have been in use for 15 years, they cannot be changed.Constantly someone takes something, swears, what is going on.In general, I do not recommend it.And there are cockroaches and spoiled products in the dining room!!!!4 years ago, a faucet broke in the classroom, the whole office was flooded, then they did not study for a day and for them.The condition of the toilets:there is no toilet paper, toilets are not cleaned, there is not a pleasant smell, there is no soap at the taps, only cold water.Old desks and chairs, broken boards.And there is no chalk all the time.Teachers sometimes don't show up on time for class
My son and the children of a couple of friends are studying! Everyone has 2nd grade so far! Everything is quiet and good inside the classroom so far! The teacher seems to be a good Larisa Mikhailovna Trubina! What I don 't like is sometimes food and fruits ! Let's see what happens next!
The Gymnasium has enough advantages. Good teaching staff, I like all lessons with such teachers! A good director, a lot of interesting additional classes!! I advise everyone!!!
Today, the only advantage is that the prestigious name of the GYMNASIUM, and children from good families, otherwise no different from an ordinary school, teachers change every year, and many do not fall in love with their subject, respectively, and the children have the same attitude.
After the change of the director, the gymnasium lost its former status, the level of education decreased significantly. They took the child and are very happy! But before there was a good gymnasium, excellent teaching staff! And after the SOP case, trust generally fell, even the prosecutor's instructions to the director did not matter!
The place is bad, I immediately killed a lot of mobs in the form of teachers and teachers, immortal bosses such as Maria Vasilyevna and the director are generally bad, bad.