A store with a wide range of products and affordable prices.I would like to mention the polite and friendly seller Marina.He knows his job and has a professional approach to questions.I highly recommend this store for shopping!!!I ask the management to award the seller Marina.And another great advantage is the store's opening time until 21.00.
The HyperZoo online store gives you the opportunity to buy products for animals at the most affordable prices compared to others. I used to buy at other sites, now I almost always buy from them. This is one of the pick-up shops (when it's a day off and you live outside the city, then this is the way out if you want to order through an online store). There was a friendly employee in this store, we stood and talked about cats, learned something useful for ourselves.
I always order online at competitive rates, I pick it up here, a very friendly seller, it's nice to have a few words, you can always stop by the car and quickly drive away with the goods.