It's a very interesting place. A curious museum! But to experience the full beauty and history of this crossroads, do not skimp, take a guide. I had a chance to visit here twice, in 2022 and 2025. Both times the most indelible impression was left by ... the guide. He told the story in detail, the reasons for the various trends of the time in this fortress, the way of life, the way of life, the religious background of events. I Was Impressed with the word. It is important, perhaps, that his narrative is very friendly, and you can argue and compare your assessments / impressions of historical events. You will be in Dushanbe - Gissar is definitely the place that should be included in the visit program near the capital!
It is a very beautiful place, we got there during the restoration, the workers were polite and let us through.There are beautiful and wonderful souvenir shops, there are many things that cannot be found in Dushanbe.
An interesting fortress, you can take an excursion or just take a walk and enjoy the ancient views. There are many stalls with souvenirs and products on the territory and in front of the entrance.