Hello, I realized a long time ago that in the 5th m-he lives either very rich or very abstruse, but at the moment it became a little sad for our elderly people, the situation is such according to the application of course not bus number 34 at 20:26 from the 60th anniversary of the USSR, but the fact is that both on the Internet and on the The bus stop has it! And today, when it was 30 degrees outside, grandpa came to this bus and when he did not come naturally, like almost the whole stop, he began to wait and as it turned out, he had to wait until 21:02 and thank you for the bus coming, as they say, but the result is time lost, grandpa felt bad, and how it turned out that at least there would be no way to get to Bykhovskaya or Chekalo... A painful question is asking at bus stops for what? Is it higher above the sky? And is the Internet difficult to change? After all, how did our elderly people rule or ordinary phones where there is no application to see the movement or there is no phone at all, so isn't it already impossible to make it easier or will it be the same as with the traffic light on the monument, residents have been waiting for 10 years or even more? Or is it impossible to hang a real schedule on the square or ZIP below?!.. It's just at least not respect... In defense, I want to express my gratitude to the drivers on minibuses 34 and 1, and in defense of the drivers of minibus 1 I wanted to say that you can somehow raise the fare at least to 1.70 and then everywhere 2p you still have 1p. I hope that the situation will change for the better in the near future regarding transport)
Hello!!!We are from Mozyr, it is now frost on the street, we live in a remote area, to which bus number 2 runs twice an hour (before the bridge was closed three times) and bus 18, once an hour, sometimes minibus 18 and that's it.This morning, at 7.30 there was no bus, the dispatcher said that 22 buses had not left the garage!!!What kind of garages are there, are they not heated or what?People were frozen, some with children, some were late for work. Please take action.In Gomel, public transport runs perfectly, according to the schedule, as it should, I would like to do so here)))
Здание большое, красивое! Прекрасный ориентир. Весьма необходимое в городе предприятие. Как знать, не будь его на собственном месте, может быть я только с пересадками с ж/д вокзала до Фестивального ехал!...
Очень хорошая автошкола. Прекрасный инструктор Александр Михайлович, объясняет понятно, четко и спокойно! Теории обучают по программам двух дисков, хороший уровень подготовки!
Очень хорошая школа. Квалифицированные специалисты, особая благодарность преподавателю по теории Александру Ивановичу и инструктору Александру. Информация без воды, четкая.
It is impossible to get through to the hotline, music is constantly playing in standby mode and no one picks up the phone, it is disgustingly organized. I will contact the regional executive committee to begin with
Не плохое место. Но с парковкой тяжеловато. Проще возле Мандарина припарковать авто и вернуться. Автошкола, фитнес,стоматология,прочие кабинеты для красоты и здоровья.
I went to this driving school on the advice of friends and never regretted it.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, every teacher in my group managed to take classes away. Everyone explains well and clearly, and gives examples for better memorization.
Thank you very much to my instructor, Dmitry Alexandrovich Tymoshchenko, for his patience and high-quality training.
Добрый вечер! Пишет Вам жительница Мозыря, которая постоянно пользуется автобусным маршрутом N 12. Этот маршрут ходит очень плохо, отменили много рейсов, но вчера, 08.06. 2022 ответ диспетчера меня просто поразил: " Ваш маршрут на сегодня не запланирован. ". Что значит не запланирован? Есть расписание, жителям этого района нужно ехать на работу. Напрашивается вопрос с таким ответом диспетчера: Люди ли вообще живут в этом районе????? Просим принять меры и посодействовать в сложившейся проблеме
Good morning route number 33 at the MZhK stop towards the center of Gomel, which should be at 7:47 and it is not there, but I have been standing at the stop since 7:41 and this is not the first time that the bus route 33 does not arrive at the specified time. I ask Gomeloblpassazhirtrans to change the schedule as people are constantly late for work.
It turns out that the minibus driver may not give change correctly, talk on the phone, not hear the passenger, mislead and say that he was talking to himself, and then take you and throw you off the minibus and nothing will happen to him for this, and you still have to apologize to him to get your money money. You could write the number of the minibus, look for the truth, but there is not one such driver, probably because people have become angrier...
Не знаю откуда вы берете таких контролёров в городские автобусы. В какой-то момент мне показалось что она меня укусит. И это с учётом что я законопослушный человек с билетом.
Thank you very much for the training. In my opinion, this is the best driving school. The training is at the highest level!!! Good teaching of theory and practice. I would especially like to note the friendly attitude towards each student and the support during the exam. GOMELOBLAVTOTRANS Driving School You are the best, it was a pleasure to study with you!
Несмотря на небольшую стоянку места почти всегда имеются свободные. Столовая посое ремонта шикарная. В здании на первом этаже находится прекрасная турфирма Mallina
Здесь находится руководство муниципального автотранспорта. В здании есть недорогая столовая с прекрасным интерьером и хорошим ассортиментом блюд, а также одна из лучших автошкол города.
The pay service is located in the files at the top. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't scan it. I had to give the controller 100p and get a lot of change in return. Not good. I hope you will fix it
У них всё не плохо, тлько как и все спят, нормально никого не готовят, а натаскивают, поэтому кто получил права С или СЕ, учится сам, если возьмут - а по другому 1-3 года стажа...вот и вся работа...думаю по В тоже самое, поэтому и аварий столько...пусть меняют руководство, хоть одного с фантазией и учебные планы поменять и по оплате...