Regarding the expectation, it is understandable. No one is immune from sores.
We signed up for a surgeon, arrived 20 minutes before the appointed time, sat and waited, called the child in an emergency situation.There are no complaints, these are children.
After 20 minutes of reception, we went into the office. And here's the shock.
The doctor sat talking on the phone and continued. The nurse was working on the computer.
We stood and waited, there was no reaction. The doctor got up and went into another room to talk on the phone.
We are standing waiting.
10 minutes have passed, there is zero reaction.
We were going to leave, because it's already time for another doctor's appointment.
The doctor came out and said, then you come in after another doctor.
It's like, I didn't come to her appointment myself, but with a child.
As a result, we made an appointment, we were in the office, but there was no examination.
I hope this situation will be the only one.
And the rest of the children will be treated as expected by a doctor.
Doctor Astapenko
Surgeon Astapenko Elena Vladimirovna, during the medical examination of underage children, behaved rudely and spoke incorrectly about them. Reading reviews from other visitors here, this is systematically happening in your clinic. I think that such doctors should not work with children, because after visiting such a doctor, children will also have to visit a child psychologist. I ask you to understand this situation and take action against this "doctor"!
On what basis do they put a paid gaming machine in a children's clinic, yes, it's cheap, but not every child can pass by this machine and a tantrum begins, and the child needs to be taken to a doctor and it's very difficult to do this.