Very responsive people work there. All the bosses went to the meeting and helped solve the issue, which could not wait long. Many thanks to all the employees who helped to go through the necessary procedures to obtain the document. Special thanks to Olesnevich Elena Vladimirovna, head of the department and Karpushenko Sergey Vladimirovich, Head of the department.
I ask for help in protecting against aggression from the ice rink on KOSAREVA Street.All that night, the compressor of the ice rink's refrigeration unit was working and prevented the locals from sleeping.The management of the ice rink intends to use a sound system for the compressor in the future, and again our windows will buzz and announcements will be heard:"Don't go out on the ice drunk!".We ask Homel residents not to go there.
There are too many employees, they are confused about who should decide which issues.As a result, you will not get any help from them.Don't even apply, don't solve anything.It's time to disperse such workers.