It is a pity that the endocrinologists of the dispensary do not raise the level of their knowledge.I did an elastography of the thyroid gland.I turned to the doctors, who looked at me with wide-open eyes.I turned to the head of Koval, who said that according to the protocol they are not supposed to know how to decipher the result of the examination.Very sorry.
They record the time you arrive at and you wait for more than you should, and the doctor stands at this time in the registry office climbing on the phone (Dudchenko O. M.) another unpleasant situation.. We were traveling from far away , the recording was at 14:00 , we arrived and were informed by a doctor on sick leave 🤕 21st century can't I call to inform ?
The reception desk doesn't pick up the phone.There are still 20 minutes until the end of the working day, and all these 20 minutes I hear your queue number on the phone. The waiting time is 3 minutes.I'm calling from my mobile.As a result, the phone was never picked up.What a mockery!!!Check the work of the registrars!