I express my gratitude to the doctor Kozlovskaya Irina Anatolyevna, the senior nurse Amoshko Tatyana Vitalievna, the sister-hostess Potapenko Yulia Valentinovna, and all the medical staff of the sixth floor. Thank you for your sensitivity, kindness, and kind attitude towards us. You are People with a Capital Letter, people of your business, thank you, health and prosperity to you, in your difficult business! With uv. Perevalova E. G. (patient)
I would like to express my great gratitude to Irina Ruslanovna Milanovich, a receptionist, for her sensitivity, attention, and kindness.I often visit the med. institutions, and this attitude is very rare. I also want to thank doctor Margarita Vitalievna Savenko. I ask the management of the dispensary to encourage them. Good health to them and all the best.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the medical staff of DVO-3 for your professionalism, kindness, understanding, and good attitude towards patients. May you always have a blue and peaceful sky above your head, well-being in families, good health.