May God grant prosperity and development to this factory, where wonderful people work and really try to make a high-quality product. Few places have I seen so many diligent and conscientious workers. The recruitment department did its best.
Sovdep! The factory is stuck in the 90s! As everything was inherited from the Soviet Union, it still stands. The equipment park of the 80s. Salaries are low, and there are no working conditions at all. In terms of work, I do not recommend considering this place at all. The products, respectively, are also not about anything.
It is one of the few enterprises of the former USSR that have retained their profitability and competitiveness. I was surprised to learn that the machine I bought in 2008 is very popular and in demand on the market. Just imagine that with a power consumption of only 750 watts, the machine drills holes with a diameter of 20 mm. Add a cast-iron bed to it. In short, I recommend the products to everyone.
The legacy of the USSR is in good condition and in order, pleasant impressions from this relic of the past, even despite the fact that there is a slave-owning system.