They sell goods on credit, which is undoubtedly a plus of the store. The choice of the displayed product is not great, the price range is above average. A good quality product is worth its money. We took several positions on credit from them ourselves. We were very satisfied.
Great store! Although it is almost monobrand, but there is a lot of technology and it is simply gorgeous! The prices are more than reasonable. The staff is unobtrusive but attentive. The consultant went to the warehouse, which is not even located in the same building, to clarify the weight and dimensions of the goods in the package. Definitely a solid five. I recommend it for people who go to the store knowing what they need, and not just to gawk.
An excellent brand, we have been buying a water heater for more than 10 years, I use it, everything is fine.
In this store, the seller is very polite and pleasant.
The store is not responsible and does not even think to be responsible for its low-quality goods. So if you are not ready to go to court (meaning unqualified consumer protection specialists), just do not risk buying anything from them. Unscrupulous sellers!!!