The most filthy, boorish-behaved hospital staff I've ever seen. "Doctors" work when they want, there is a misunderstanding at the reception desk, which says that these are not problems of the hospital and: "What else, the therapist does not work on schedule until 5, you will be lucky if you find her at 2." A miserable place with miserable "people". If, God forbid, fate leads you to this institution, pray, because both the professional and human component of these individuals is under huge question.
Also, the bonus is that dear employees may lose your medical card with all the consequences).
Give up hope, everyone who enters here is the slogan of this hospital. If it were possible to put - 100, I would do it, but alas and ah)
You can't think of a better hospital or a non-professional medical staff. Because of their inaction, a man died. I hope that the competent authorities will pay attention to this institution.