Park 3 swings and a circus!!! All circus workers are over 170 years old. Tricks from a pigeon and made me laugh to tears. They didn't listen to me at all and shat on the cashier. It looks like they were caught 10 minutes ago!!! Throwing them up, they just flew away.... Forever... And when grandpa climbed on a unicycle and fell off it twice, I didn't know who to pay so that this fool wouldn't climb on it anymore. In short, I don't know what it was, probably the nursing home decided to earn a little extra money, they found stray dogs that tore off the leash and bit the tow truck, wild pigeons and an old tarpaulin, like a circus. The kids were in shock, and I thought I was going to have a stroke from laughing. Barely survived. In the end, I didn't even have the strength to ask them to stop this madness...