16:35 the branch is no longer working.. the paper on the door that they pasted on the cards should be open until 17:00, it is not known how to pick up parcels for working people with such a schedule.
Kilometer-long queues due to pensioners who are forced to pay communal services every day. Because of this, it is impossible to receive a parcel without standing for several hours. Mail does not perform its direct functions.
I come to this department more than once to pay for services, the operators are polite, cultured and quickly serve customers, which cannot be said about the boss of this ops, customers are not happy that she makes them wait for half an hour when receiving cash payments, screams from her office and laughter are heard and distracts workers from work and shouts from the office so that they come to her and they throw clients go to her after finding out what she wants from them and clients wait until the problem is solved
They don't answer the phones, the Internet doesn't work in the morning, the first time I stayed for more than an hour I was 3rd in line. The operator and the manager sort out the relationship in front of the clients. I won't come here anymore.