I use the UGLETELECOM service.the third year.Everything is fine.It doesn't slow down.there were only problems with broken wires that were solved instantly.it happened that I communicate with the technical service and the reme brigade has already arrived at the house.I recommend it from the bottom of my heart
I have been using the services of this provider for three years. There are no complaints. Before that, there was the matrix. Matrix is a nightmare compared to coal.
Hello people
The Internet has not been working in Volnovakha since yesterday
Yesterday I called the technical service, they said they would arrive tomorrow, today 02/29/24 they called rude and said there was no application in Volnovakha except for me, wait for them to arrive, asked when they did not answer, they turned off
8 times the wire breaks
Like the wind, we already know that there will be no Internet
Where to write a complaint 😢😢😢 I work online, there is no connection
Phoenix is not working
What to do!?
Where to go and complain???
How do such employees work?