Каждый год я выбираю этот отель. Здесь всегда чисто и вкусно кормят. А ещё у отеля очень удобное расположение.I choose this hotel every year. They always eat clean and delicious here. Jul. In addition, the hotel has a very convenient location
He is perfect for his stardom!
The location, the Food is just great!
And there were no small children, because this hotel has no animation and slides! It 's like a gift. 💝
Of the cons:
1. The cleaning is terrible. The floor was always dirty . I washed the floor myself with wet wipes so as not to crunch the sand) but they give me sneakers and you don't have to think about it. But I love cleanliness)))
2. If you are settled with a street view, then be prepared to listen to the noise
3. The Conde is very interesting) we need to find an approach to it 😅