I really liked the Electrosila store in the Chervensky shopping center. It's nice when you are greeted by a very pleasant, attentive administrator. She very quickly picked up a sales consultant for us, who is very competent and knows how to help customers. Everything was picked up very quickly, they gave excellent advice on the selection of appliances for the kitchen. To the sales consultant Vladislav Tradchik, my great respect for the professionalism and ability to work with customers. They meet in the store very friendly and cordially, they remember their customers. I will definitely do more shopping in this store. Moreover, unlike the "Fifth Element", there are quite well-known European and Korean brands here. There are many purely Chinese brands in the "Fifth Element". The Chervensky shopping center itself is still quite empty. But there are a lot of parking spaces, which pleases, and few people. This makes it possible to buy the right things, they are always available. There is also a large "Green" store in this shopping center, it has a wide selection of goods and friendly staff.
It's a big store, the prices are high, the assortment is huge. I was familiar with the directoress of a full-service advertising agency, whose team was engaged in the concept of green at the points of sale. She taught academic activities at the college in the 2nd-3rd year. A very cool performer, intelligent, it's a pleasure to work with her. But I can't understand why the grinn is made so strangely. It's not the first time I've been there, and I can never immediately orient myself.
Цены - всё дороже, любой продукт дороже чем "везде".
Сладости и пирожные - оущущение что отдел всем мешает, работникам не до него. Там никогда никого нет. Надо ждать кого-то и иногда очень долго.
Свежесть пирожных под вопросом всегда. Или мне не везёт или это закономерность. Часто пересохшие.
Карта грина - очень маленькие скидки.
Один вход в магазине! Это очень напрягает. Вход с одной стороны, камеры хранения в другом конце магазина.
Кассы самообслуживания - не принимают наличные.
На кассах дождаться хорошего слова невозможно, недовольные и хамоватые кассиры.
Иногда берём пиццу на вынос, она бывает очень вкусной! Не дорогая. Но тут надо попасть на нужного человека который готовит.
Сотовая связь пропадает совсем после молочного отдела. Не хватает зоны для упаковки покупок около касс.