The price-salary ratio is clearly not in favor of the latter. In my subjective opinion, if you do not want to stand in line for bread, feel free to go to the Green, you have never seen a full house at the box office.
1. Somehow, I'm sorry, it's crumpled up.,
2. The prices are impressive, and a desire is created: to cross the highway, and make purchases ...
3. You can enter like a museum, and it's expensive...I wish you good luck and establish yourself in the market...
I took soup today. Everyone messed up a bit:as a consumer, I did not examine the entire soup package from top to bottom, and the store, which is just disgusting, sold the two-day soup as fresh, but did not hide all the evidence.Profits are profits, but guys, the shelf life of the soup is 12 hours for a second. Pizza with a bird: I would like to get bones from a bird