The store does not comply with trade standards.The store's employees do not want to work and display goods according to the regulations.Natalia, the seller, instead of working at the checkout, constantly leaves and likes to tell customers about herself various tall tales instead of work, for example: "Yes, I used to work in prison and everyone knows and respects me here in the area."
The name does not change itself. Given that there is no full-fledged store nearby, this is a great option for those who do not want to travel far. If you know at least approximately what you want, then help you. The staff is friendly, competent, patiently and competently answer questions.
The store is terrible. Very often, the seller Natasha weighs and sells expired goods to elderly people with poor eyesight, as well as to people intoxicated (There are a lot of beggars near the store).
Especially on weekends. He immediately begins to be rude and rude to comments.It is impossible to get a book of complaints and suggestions even from the head of the store, who agrees with the claims of customers and promises to eliminate violations, but she does not take action, so there are no changes.