Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
12 Br200 g
Шаурма Терияки L
15 Br550 g
Шаурма Терияки М
12 Br450 g
Шаурма классическая L
15 Br550 g
Шаурма классическая XL
Блюдо с особым сочетанием компонентов заворачивается в лаваш и приобретает характерный вид. Этот питательный перекус объединяет разнообразие вкусов и текстур, предлагая приятное сочетание нежного мяса и хрустящего лаваша
The coolest bar in Serebryanka! Shawarma with pork on the coals of the fire, burgers XXL blows your head off. The fryer is always fresh, very tasty potato slices. I recommend visiting the bar when chef Vasily is working! Always cooks everything quickly and very tasty!
I bought two shawarma. L. (Typically 450g). The house scales showed 370 and 390. Well, God be with him.
One mushroom and one with sausages. I'm allergic to mushrooms.
Thanks for mixing up the packages. I'm going to the BSMP on a drip.
22.10.2024. 20:00. He came with a dog.
Shawarma, by the way, is not very tasty.
I recommend everyone to avoid this pub.
I ordered 2 shawarma size L, got what is visible in the photo, disgust. The employee is unfriendly. I waited for 10 minutes until they could serve me and listen to my order. After that, 2 shawarma were cooked for 30 minutes. Instead of cooking shawarma, he was engaged in I don't understand what, then coffee, then conversations with other customers. And with the most displeased look, he gave the shawarma, it became already disgusting. - vibe