There are always crowds of grandmothers and often products with poor quality and suitable expiration dates, but even this is not the worst, the attitude of the staff is generally no good.
When you enter the store half an hour before closing, the seller comes out to you with rolled eyes and does not hesitate to say how "how did you all get fucked up" only in a more obscene form
The store is small, but there is an excellent selection of goods. Everything is always fresh, the sellers work quickly, are polite and friendly. The queue is on the days of bringing meat and dairy products, but this just speaks to the popularity of a small store, pensioners go from all over Serebryanka for "milk" and sausage from the district. The assortment may be small, but everything is the most delicious and popular. There is even beef and mutton from meat, all chilled in a neat layout. The green light for such a business!
A very cozy, small shop, it has everything, basic necessities, a good assortment, polite sellers, the price tag is not expensive, you will be pleasantly surprised.