The seller is not polite or friendly. There are few products and prices are high. We bought sweets, they just dumped them on the scales for us, take them away. It turns out that for products by weight, you need to ask for a package yourself.
There is almost no assortment, prices are high, and delays are not monitored. I came and bought yogurt, leaving the store I noticed that the deadline was 3 days old.
There was also a situation when I came in and the door was closed. Nothing is posted. After 40 minutes, a young saleswoman opened the door and said in a dissatisfied tone that I had a receipt for the goods, but in such cases, you can also hang an ad on the door
The store is a historical place, by the way)) He has been working there since the 30s of the last century, when the house itself was built. Kaneshna is not a Hippo, but he is.
Oh, this shop is on a New way of life. It resembles the Raip shops in the villages. The main products are milk, meat, cereals in very limited quantities, mostly of course vinishko is in use)))
a small assortment and rather high prices (for ice cream, chips and sour cream)
See original
Людмила Б.
Level 4 Local Expert
April 23, 2022
I bought eclairs on 04/23/2022. at 17.30, I previously asked the seller if they were fresh. May she eat such cakes all her life! It's a shame to deceive customers, and even on such a holiday! The cakes were stale, with sour cream. Demand certificates, dates of manufacture, they cheat in this store!
There are no normal goods and there is nothing in general, the only way out is that he is the only one there is a store in the area!!Only 5 stars are available!!
I have been living in this area for many years, I bring all the products from the city. This shop is about nothing, the assortment is small, the prices are too high, well, unless you urgently buy bread or a bag of milk
There is really no product in the store, not a store, but a snack bar. Pay attention to plumbing, cleaning, order, and not to the availability of wine and beer.