People call this store Small. It's convenient to be nearby. The assortment is what you need, there is everything. The sellers are polite, neat, cool! The prosperity store.
This is a super store. Right behind our house.. My children run there all the time.. Always fresh food.. Fresh bread. It is very convenient and practical. The assortment is also excellent.
A terrible store prices above all and sellers of ex-cons work under the store.One of the saleswomen is generally soaked . Horror.Isn't there a better one? Put her to sell with her husband, who is standing under the store.
It's okay in the store, but the collection of drunks under the store and the sellers are either convict husbands or drunks themselves. They were normal and now they are not.
They work without masks and gloves, when asked why without a mask, they rudely answered like it's none of your business, buy and go. Expired and spoiled products have been found several times, but they are being exchanged for others.