Love at first sight. This is how I characterize this network called "GROSHIIK" - the assortment is quite wide, there is something for everyone to choose. The service is good, and they will help you pick up and navigate the products and goods too. Previously, more on other networks, but now more on this one. I recommend it to everyone.
It's a good store, but the space is small. All the sellers are cool, very friendly, you can immediately see they have a good team. The product layout is excellent, there are always a lot of people, but there is little space.
The store itself is good, starting with the cashiers and ending with the director, but the people (I can't even call them that) are almost all inadequate, they are always dissatisfied with something. PS For those who are not satisfied: go to a Penny on a farm or to a green, do not soar with your mood of others, why go where you do not like and express your "fe", leave it at home! And so you girls better give up on them, just give people a reason to vent their anger on someone