The Gross Insurance company provides excellent services in the field of voluntary medical insurance. Separately, I would like to mention highly qualified employees who are always ready to help and advise.
If you choose an insurance company, choose the one with a round-the-clock call center. It is there, the application is accepted, they call back, they consult around the clock.
One of the most terrible insurance companies in Uzbekistan, on the advice of a friend, purchased insurance from them, but when it came to issuing money, they asked for 17 documents (half of them remained in court), as a result, he came to sign 3 more times. Before that, I was a client of another company and they did not have this.
In addition, in 40-degree heat, they are asked to wait outside while they cool off in the office👎👎👎
You Tube platformasida video chiqdi. Ko'rib hayron boldim. kanalida. Ixtiyor sug'urtaga (Приоритетный хисобланар еди...)bo'lgan ishonch yo'qolib bormoqda. Hayronman Huquq targ'ibot organlari & Iste'molchilarni huquqlarini himoya quluvchi tashkikot hodimlari qayoqa qarashvotdi. Ko'rib kormaganlik olishvotdimi. 25 ta minimalka pul to'langan. 8.500.000 mln so'm. Sugurta hodimi avariya joyiga kemagan ham. Buncha pul to'lap Vip klient hisoblanadi. Shu odamiyam sarson sargardon qiliship yurishipdi. Kutip qolamiza endi nima dip bohona qilisharkan.
The most disgusting insurance company!!! There was an accident. I'm the culprit. They were registered according to the European Protocol. Essentially: the person on duty receives in the reception area. He took statements from me and from the victim. They promised to consider it within 15 days. Permission to repair the car was not given, although on our part the protocols of the car inspection and the conclusion of a third-party examination were provided. Today is July 17th. It's been over a month. No one has reimbursed the money so far. To be honest, I don't know who these people are who wrote such flattering reviews... it's up to you to contact this insurance company or not.
***. There was an accident. They said they would pay half, and we would demand the rest from their client. It is your right to take out insurance with them. But if something happens, you will have to pay for it yourself. Maybe she was a good company once. But I don't recommend contacting them right now.
It takes a terribly long time to consider applications for payments!!! They have a 15-day review period only on paper! and so more than 30 days is not the limit!
An incompetent company, incompetent employees, I ask every day about the status of the application, the answer is always the same: "under consideration", no specifics. Avoid this insurance company, save your nerves.
One of the best insurance companies today, very polite staff, they have two offices in this building, one is located at the end of the building, the second is on the second floor
They are in touch 24/7/365, you can get through anytime and anywhere. Tg is online for 24 hours.
If you are planning a trip abroad, insist that your travel agent arrange insurance in GROSS, someone may say that it is not a great company, but of all that there is, this is the BEST and most likely the only insurance company that will at least try to help you.