Ремонт подвески - это важная процедура для безопасности движения автомобиля. При первых признаках неисправности рекомендуется обратиться к профессионалам для проведения диагностики и ремонта. Звоните в наш автосервис и записывайтесь.
70 Br
Шиномонтаж – это комплекс услуг, связанных с установкой и заменой автомобильных шин на колесах. Это важный процесс, который гарантирует безопасность на дороге и может значительно повлиять на качество вождения.
45 Br4 pcs.
Замена масла
Замена масла - это процесс смены старого масла автомобиля на свежее. Рекомендуется проводить услугу каждые 5000-10000 км пробега для обеспечения долгой и надежной работы двигателя. Звоните на СТО для записи.
30 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт тормозной системы
Ремонт тормозной системы – это комплексный процесс, который включает в себя все работы, связанные с восстановлением работоспособности тормозов автомобиля. Звоните для записи в наш автосервис по телефонам.
55 Br4 pcs.
Ремонт двигателя
Ремонт двигателя – это процесс восстановления и исправления неисправностей, проблем или повреждений. Важно отметить, что условия и объем ремонта могут различаться в зависимости от конкретной поломки и типа.
70 Br
Компьютерная диагностика
Компьютерная диагностика - это услуга, которая предназначена для определения и анализа проблем с компьютерной системой. В процессе специалист проводит проверку всех компонентов компьютера, включая аппаратное и программное обеспечение. Звоните.
35 Br
Промывка печек без снятия
С помощью специального оборудования и подобранного чистящего средства проводится промывка системы отопления. Чистящее средство подается в систему через патрубки, после чего циркулирует внутри печки, удаляя загрязнения.
Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, installation of parking sensors, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, steering racks repairs, nozzle cleaning, gearbox repair, generator repairs, repair injectors, repair of drive shafts, repair of fuel system, repair of cylinder head, removal of catalysts, replacing of timing belt, installing additional equipment, turbocharger repair
Good afternoon) I drove the Fotd Explorer 2020, there were knocks in the front suspension! I called the service station and after a couple of hours they signed up for diagnostics!
The diagnosis was done very quickly, the problem was found in a couple of minutes, the front stabilizer bushings turned out to be! Many thanks to the master receptionist Andrey, I found the spare parts in 20 minutes (delivery would have been in 3 days)
Thanks to Andrey, he came up with the idea and brought the spare parts the next day, they were changed for me in the morning and evening!
Thank you so much for your promptness, very good service station
P:S Dear management, master receptionist Andrey is very good, an example of a HUNDRED!
Thanks for the work.
Good craftsmen who love their job. Everything is at the highest level, for very reasonable prices.
I recommend it, they will advise you on all possible scenarios.
Good afternoon. I was on vacation in Belarus, drove through 7 cities, when I arrived in Belarus there was a small noise, where I could not understand, I stopped at a service station in Polotsk, nothing was found, with the continuation of the vacation and the increase in km, the hum became stronger. Upon arrival in Minsk, I started looking for a service station based on reviews in Yandex, this service took off first, called, they told me that everything was recorded for 5 days, but maybe tomorrow afternoon there will be time only for diagnostics. I agreed and started calling other service stations for further repairs. The next day I called and we agreed to meet. When I arrived at the place, I explained the whole problem. Upon inspection, it was found that the right hub bearing began to buzz, which I replaced at the end of April (I installed the original). The master said if I buy spare parts and bring them now, they will have time to replace them. He showed me where to buy them on the map and in which store it is better to take them. After buying spare parts, they were changed for me within 40 minutes. Time will tell which parts I bought and how to change them.Thanks a lot to the service. I recommend this service.