Good oil change service, all in one place. There is a high probability that you will be able to buy oil and filters right away and replace them. There is an electronic queue, which is convenient. You can also make an appointment for a certain time, but this function is a bit lame, because I made an appointment at 13:30 but upon arrival at the specified time I was not accepted. They offered to stand in line and gave out a ticket. It's not a pleasant moment, but otherwise there are no complaints. The location is not the most convenient, because the queue has to wait along the curb on the street on both sides, which creates some inconvenience for passing cars.
I decided to come here by accident, I was nearby.... Yes, I'm thrilled!!! We met the manager, who explained everything, offered a lot of amenities, even offered to talk themselves, if I have a desire, on the topic of weather, football or bad roads))) there is a box for 8-12 cars, there is almost no queue. Everything is arranged according to the principle I arrived, replaced the oils, filters, candles, light bulbs, pumped up the wheels, etc., everything is in the 1st place. Yes, there is even an auto electrician here. All prices are fixed and not space. There is a bonus system for discounts. In general, I am very pleased that I do not have to go to several places, everything is here, on the 1st pit or lift. Thanks guys, success and prosperity!!!
A good car service, high-quality work by craftsmen (master Ruslan is beyond praise, I have a rare car, they can't help everywhere, so I know what I'm talking about), spare parts are available, they also have soap, everything is fine)
Good day! The service works with a bang, they know their job! I changed the oil on the automatic transmission, they advised excellent oil for budget money) The employees are active, they know their job! Thanks for the good service and maintenance👍👍👍👍👍
The process of the ratio of time spent waiting for the provision of services is set to a high level. Thanks to Nusup, Ruslan, and Alexander. Special thanks to the oil sales managers. They will explain everything perfectly, give arguments about the product.
Good service, the opportunity to purchase consumables, oils, etc. on the spot immediately. If necessary, repairs can be ordered and wait for the senior foreman to buy spare parts and bring them immediately to the service station.
Hello everyone, DO NOT CHANGE THEIR OIL, everything is paid for them (unscrew the protection of 1000 tenge even they change the oil, a small book is paid even you are their client 7-8 years old, I used to change them for free, automatic transmission adaptation is paid, it seems where you do the replacement there and should do the adaptation if this is a normal oil change point, if they had cheap oil, it would be fine, but their oil is not cheap in any way!!! Okay, maybe they don't have enough money, well, at least say that after replacing the oil in the automatic transmission, you need to make an adaptation, they don't have a master who doesn't know this! ELEMENTARY WHEN CLEANING (PURGING) THE AIR FILTER HOUSINGS MUST BE COVERED WITH A CLOTH FOR THE HOLES GOING INTO THE ENGINE, their masters do not even know this. And it hangs on your paw that you don't have an adaptation, it was after replacing their automatic transmission oil that the automatic transmission began to kick (not one car, I changed two cars in one month, my brothers did the car) and another service made the adaptation and the kick went away, they don't even tell you, they don't know the master!! And the head took advantage of their service station (pump replacement), they said that they had the original in stock (3 times expensive then found out) I said okay, bring it and I'll buy it, and so I just waited for 3 hours at the end, I brought it myself 3 times cheaper in 30 minutes. I do not understand what happened to them, but they have not had a normal master, not a normal service for the last time!!
This is not the first time I have addressed this issue. They are always greeted politely, served quickly and efficiently. What is important, especially for women, is not a headache about spare parts. Everything can be bought on the spot.
Very good cosmeceuticals, it's gone down a lot, the staff is also super, I think I'll go through a year-long procedure and become even younger and more beautiful
All the super guys are pros (Sort of)But according to the record, it's a hat.You're still standing in line and waiting.Somehow it is necessary to adjust this process or remove the service by appointment.
3 cars in the family, always serviced here. The last time was a week ago and noticed that the quality was lower and it was a little upset (
Firstly, only young people work (beginners, little experience is immediately visible). Secondly, I wanted to change the oil for more expensive, better quality, I asked them. And as a result, at the very end I found out that the oil was poured more expensive for me, BUT the company / country of manufacturer / factory is the same. I think I was cheated😅
Расклад следующий:
Забрал машину с другого СТО, где ее мурыжили 3 аболтуса в течении 2 недель и ничего не смогли толком сделать. Модель авто у меня такая, встречается редко. В дождь загрузил авто на эвакуатор и погнал в город в поисках мастеров. Везде столкнулся с хамским отношением и «ну я хз заедьте завтра».
Нашел это СТО в картах и приехал сюда. И я вам скажу GT oil це Европа. Зашел, описал в двух словах проблему, мастер покивал головой и без лишних слов скомандовал двум товарищам разгружать авто, эти двое появились как Фиксики из ниоткуда. Машину разгрузили аккуратно, загнали на подъемник и начали танцы с бубном, понатащили кучу приборов, инструментов и пошла жара. Всего ОДИН ЧАС я сидел в тепле и уюте, попивал кофе. Через час мне отрапортовали, что машина готова и проблема была вовсе не сложная. Взяли с меня символическую сумму и дали перечень работы, которые желательно провести в ближайшее время. И я уехал СВОИМ ХОДОМ!
С удовольствием наклеил их наклейку, сказали что с ней еще скидка будет.
Честно, если бы мог то поставил 1000 звезд
GT oil, спасибо!!!
The masters and specialists rarely change, but it does not matter, but everything is served politely. Thanks to the creator of this company, Zhanat is a very disciplinary respected person of the people.
At the checkout, the price is cheaper to say, and the master who changes shows something else (
08/27/2024 at about 14.30 o'clock receipt No. 19
The last time I changed the oil in the internal combustion engine, they even counted on removing the protection of the crankcase and every little thing , it cost about 28 thousand , it was possible to change the oil for 15 thousand on the car . Previously, we checked all the consumables when changing the oil, this time there was nothing like that, unfortunately.
I came to replace the steering rods, they were accepted quickly, experienced craftsmen, replaced the rods quickly and efficiently, I bring my gratitude!!!👍👍👍
Много лет менял масло в этой компании, всегда был доволен обслуживанием и ценами. Но последний раз 3 марта 2021 года столкнулся с мошенничеством и сговором мастера по имени Кирилл и старшим смены. Поменяли масло налив из бочки в пластиковые канистры, а посчитали как будто меняли из канистр. На мой вопрос, что из бочки масло дешевле, старший смены заявил, что цена одинаковая. Я понял, что там больше делать нечего и ушёл навсегда из этой компании. Всем знакомым рассказал об этом случае. Никому рекомендовать не буду. Написал сегодня, потому что подумал, что люди должны знать правду при выборе пункта замены масла.
Приехал на диагностику с парковки выгнали "приедет хозяин нельзя" приехал хозяин и ученили разборки перед СТО с клиентом в стиле а ля 90-е просто не красиво и не цивилизованно👎
Вообще стало хуже чем раньше.. после последнего визита замены жидкости гур руль стал туго вращаться и масло неоригиналное как проверил после приезда домой... на моё Пассат б5 по артикулу льют минеральное масло... а их сервис менеджеры впарили синтетику WOLF.... больше не доверяю этой точке
Заехал на капсервис, машина старая я бы сказал автохлам при приемке знали об этом и взялись за ремонт... Заехал по причине масла поменять, задний правый аммортизатор глянуть, движок троит и машина захлебывается, масло где-то бежит.... В общем неделю машина стояла у них, на выезде шум в машине стоял как будто вокруг обветшали пакеты с пустыми бутылками, машина также троила, и захлебывалась, через день ещё и стартер сдох, через 4 ремень ГРМ лопнул...
В общем хотите потратить деньги бездумно и беспощадно то добро пожаловать на gtoil 🤷♂️
Сервис хороший специалисты своего дела советую делают качественно,это уже проверенно не однакратно приезжайте ремонтировать железного коня и ваш железный друг вас не подведёт!!!