For the purpose of trading, money was received from my wife and my wife's brother in exchange for a promissory note. We have not been able to get most of the money back for close to 2 years. We were able to get the small amount we received long after the promissory note day. We linger every week, every month for inconsistent reasons. Our money, which is called to be given definitely on this date, is not given in the form of “it is not possible to give today” when that date arrives. Guarantor promises were also made for the date on which I wrote this comment. We were not given our money again. When we insisted that we were told that it would be given on this date, we were threatened that we would be sued with a slanderous accusation. We were very worn out financially and spiritually during this process. (Update; "delete your comment, I will pay my debt to you on this date,” it was said. We deleted the comment, but we couldn't get our money back. Since we will write about the process we have been going through again, we have encountered an attitude of “I will never try to give your money if you make a comment”. The more we want to believe in the promises made and the oaths taken, we are entering into harm. We have stopped trusting anymore. We will seek our rights through all kinds of legal means. This comment is also one of these legal rights of mine. Everything I write here is also documented in writing by me.)