I recently visited the HaemaLab laboratory and was very impressed with the quality of service and professionalism of the staff.
The staff was polite and attentive, the staff were friendly. They created a comfortable and calm atmosphere, which is especially important when taking tests.
The laboratory was clean and tidy. This inspires confidence and confidence in the quality of the services provided. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment.
The testing process was fast and efficient. I didn't spend much time waiting.
The test results were available online, which is very convenient and saves time.
Thank you for the excellent service!
I am very pleased with the visit! The staff is professional, polite and attentive. Blood sampling was quick and painless. I received the test results within the agreed time frame, everything was clearly and clearly described. Thanks to them, it was possible to identify the problem in a timely manner and begin treatment. I recommend this laboratory to everyone who appreciates high-quality service and professionalism!
Thank you very much!! This is not the first time we have called the laboratory! Zieda is an amazing nurse and takes blood from babies carefully!)) we will contact you again!)
Лаборатория хизматларига факатгина шу лабораториядан фойдаланишни маслахат бераман, чунки бунака лаборатория ускуна ва аппаратларни факат шу ердан топасиз. Ходимларини хуш муомиласига гап булиши мумкин эмас.
Labaratoriya menga juda yoqdi!Hamma joylar ozoda, toza! Qon olish uchun ishlatiladigan hamma naborlar bir martalik! Toza !Ayniqsa javobi juda tez chiqdi! Manga atmosfera juda yoqdi! Sifat va tozalikni hush koruvchilarga borib topshirishni tavsiya qilaman!
Labaratoriya prosta bomba. Xizmat ko'rsatish a'lo darajada va zamonaviy uslubda. Analiz javoblari o'z vaqtida va elektron tarzda olish mumkunligi menga juda ham yoqdi. Xodimlar xushmuomala va malakali. 👍👍👍🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫰🫰🫰🥰🥰🥰
Uyimni oldida judaham yaqin qulay oson tez sifatli va ishonchli yaqin va uzoqdan keladigan insonlarga tavsiya qilaman judaham mamnunmiz tavsiya qilaman