Прическа для любого события.
полная проработка волос, крепление украшения (при необходимости)
130 Br1 pcs.
Экспресс образ
Макияж-нюд (кремовая коррекция лица, легкая проработка глаз - межресничка, тушь, покрытие века одной тенью, блеск на губах)
и легкая укладка (без прикорневого объема и дополнительной проработки прядей - только увлажнеине, почесывание и фиксация)
I was here with Master Alexandra for makeup and styling. I was pleasantly surprised that we managed it faster than planned, and at the same time the result is amazing! Styling bravely survived the festive evening, and the next day it was still possible to walk a beauty)) I was also pleased with the makeup, I don't really like strong changes in the appearance of makeup, but it came out fresh and natural, as I wanted.
Sasha herself is very friendly, you can just relax and wait for the perfect result)