The queues are a kilometer long, the electronic queue is already being called by ticket, although the previous customer is still sitting, it is unclear
Sooooooo long. Everything was tedious for a long time and manually deposited in order to issue an elementary debit card. Not only that... in order for the bank's application to start working, after issuing the card, you need to RETURN to the bank 2 hours later and get an access code. Why such a "pause" is not clear
Everything is fine, beautiful, a polite employee at the entrance, a friendly girl, BUT Russian rubles are not changed to tenge according to a Russian passport..This is VERY BAD! Only for foreign travel.a passport that we didn't have with us...Stupid law! It is not clear why this is so! At least some limited amount would be changed...or stand there and beg in tenge to somehow survive in Kazakhstan for a few days before departure???